Individualised Living Options (ILO) are living arrangements developed to meet a person’s care needs, preferences and choices in their own home. They are an alternative to group home services and provide a flexible package of supports that are closely monitored and adapted.
ILO is an NDIS funded support package which allows participants to design their own housing and living arrangements, with a choice of supported living services. This includes a range of support workers, who can be paid or unpaid, as well as informal supports such as family, friends or neighbours.
The ILO process is designed just for each participant, with ILO NDIS Alexandra Hills stages that explore and design the support arrangement which best suits their needs and aspirations. In stage 1, the ILO provider will work with the participant to understand their vision for their life, then help them make decisions about where they want to live, with whom and how their support can enable them to achieve their goals. An ILO service proposal is then developed which describes the person’s needs and preferences, including primary and supplementary supports and quotes of costs for their ILO.
During this stage, the ILO provider will help to establish a monitoring plan which describes how the ILO will be implemented and monitors the progress of the arrangement. This is an important component of an ILO as it ensures that the individualised approach is achieved and provides opportunities for adjustments if necessary.
As the ILO is a new funding stream, some current NDIS participants with ILOs may have existing interim funding arrangements in place until longer term NDIA policy and pricing is confirmed. These arrangements will continue to be maintained if they are reasonable and necessary, and are considered to be within the planning guidelines.
If you are using your Core Support budget flexibly to meet your daily needs in the home and it’s working well for you, there is no need to turn this into an ILO. However, if your needs in the home are rising rapidly and you are not meeting them with your existing budget, your NDIS planner may recommend an ILO as a way of introducing more flexible innovative supports that are paid according to the time they are provided rather than an hourly rate.
ILO NDIS Alexandra Hills
There are a number of options available for ILOs, including Co-Residency, Host Arrangements and Living Alone. These options can be viewed by clicking on the following links.
NACBO has dedicated staff across Australia who are experts in assisting people with ILO NDIS. Click ‘Get Support’ to find your nearest contact.