African Soul

Why You Need Planning Law Solicitors

Whether you are planning a new development, seeking to protect your property rights or challenging a neighbour’s application, it is vital that you have specialist advice from experienced Planning Law Solicitors. The law in this area is complex and constantly changing and Richard will make sure that he keeps on top of these changes in order to ensure that the most up to date and relevant advice is given to you.

Specialist Planning lawyers need to be able to see the big picture but also to deal with detail. They are dealing with an ever expanding amount of statute law and secondary legislation and case law, as well as national and local policies. There are 33 individual sets of policies in London alone and each of those must be considered.

There is a need to be able to build strong relationships Planning Law Solicitors London within the team working on a planning project. They need to be able to liaise with a range of specialists including highways consultants, ecologists, communication and technical experts, air quality and microclimate specialists. Often these professionals will need to be instructed separately from your planning lawyer, but they will need to be working together as a team.

In addition, there is often a need to negotiate Section 106 Agreements with the local authority as well as the need to consider infrastructure costs, community contributions and financial viability. We have experience in advising on all of these issues. We have acted for residential developers in respect of applications, appeals and inquiries, local authorities and landowners in S106 negotiations and the preparation of local plans, private individuals in challenging a decision by a local planning authority as well as acting for objectors in judicial review and statutory challenge proceedings.

We are able to offer advice on a wide range of related matters including environmental law. This can include contaminated land, crime and liability, sewage disposal and PPC permits, hazardous substances and invasive species. We also have experience in advising on compulsory purchase and compensation issues.

Having an estate plan in place can prevent your loved ones from having to make difficult and heartbreaking decisions after your death. It can also help you avoid expensive court battles. A qualified estate planning attorney in NYC can help you prepare an effective and comprehensive plan that will meet your specific needs. A lawyer will take into account your unique circumstances and provide you with peace of mind that you have provided for those who are closest to you.